We can ship to virtually any address in the US. Unfortunately, we do not ship internationally.
All orders take up to two business days to be processed and shipped. Your order will typically arrive within 7-10 business days of your purchase.
Shipping charges are automatically calculated when placing an order. If your order total is less than $10.00, your shipping charges will be $8.95; if between $10.01-$30.00, $14.95; if between $30.01-$50.00, $17.95; if between $50.01-$100.00, $19.95; if between $100.01-$150.00, $24.95; if more than $150.01 and up to $1500.00, $29.95.
Return Policy
Returns are not accepted except in case of damage or a shipping error. If your products have been damaged during shipment, or if you received the wrong size of an apparel item, those products may be returned for exchange within 30 days of the sales receipt date. The return address is located on your sales receipt. Upon receipt of your item, a replacement item of your product will be shipped to you immediately.
Returns and exchanges are not accepted for sheet music. All sheet music sales are final.
If you need to return an item, please Contact Us with your order number and details about the product you would like to return. We will respond quickly with instructions for how to return items from your order.